Photo Policy
The following is the first draft of an official Blackbox Cph (hereafter referred to as BBC) photography policy.
The policy will be updated continuously based on relevant feedback and insights from the event. It is the result of voluntary work and, therefore, not of professional quality.
- The photography policy is written by the photography coordinator (Christian C. Kierans), who is also responsible for any breaches and acts as the contact person for any issues, complaints, or concerns regarding the text.
- This policy also includes video recording, audio recording, and other general media capture during Blackbox Cph events.
- The photo policy will be briefly presented before the game block starts and will be posted on the lounge door.
- Photos from Blackbox Cph will be publicly uploaded to the website/Google Drive unless otherwise agreed with the organizer.
- The photographer/photography coordinator will strive to contact the scenario organizer before it begins to set boundaries for photographer behavior during the game.
- The photographer will generally act as a “fly on the wall” and attempt to be as non-distracting and non-disruptive as possible during the game.
- It is aimed for Blackbox Cph photos to be ready for upload within a month after the event, but there is no requirement for photographers to meet this timeline.
- Photos from the scenarios will be uploaded individually as they are ready. There is no need to wait for all photos to be completed before starting uploads.
- Selling or buying photos from Blackbox Cph is prohibited. They are taken and distributed for free and should not be used in a monetary context.
- There may be atmospheric photos taken in the lounge, during workshops, and at Blackbox Cph’s after-party. The same rules apply to these as to scenario photos.
- If a photo is shared by a player or organizer on social media, both the event (Blackbox Cph) and the photographer(s) must be credited.
Consent for Photos
- Players who do not wish to have their pictures taken must notify the photography coordinator as early as possible. The coordinator will inform the rest of the photography team that the individual should not be photographed.
- This information will be communicated by taking a reference photo of the person who does not wish to be photographed. This photo will be used by the photography team to ensure clarity about who should not be photographed. The reference photo will be deleted as soon as the event is over.
- The policy operates under assumed consent for photos at Blackbox Cph. It is the player’s responsibility to make it known if they do not wish to be photographed.
- In the case of larger group photos where a person who has withdrawn consent is present but is not the focus of the photo or otherwise noticeable, the photo will generally be kept.
- If their face is visible, they can request to be digitally blurred.
Photographer’s Rights
- The photographer has full rights to use the photos they have taken at Blackbox Cph unless otherwise agreed with the organizer.
- The photographer can always leave a scenario or refuse to take photos if they are uncomfortable with the content or do not wish to be present.
- The photographer may watermark their photos for Blackbox Cph as they wish (provided the watermark is not distracting from the image itself).
Players’/Organizers’ Rights
- Players/organizers can request the removal of any photo of themselves from the public gallery at any time, no questions asked.
- Players/organizers have the right to freely use photos of themselves as they wish.
- The organizer of a scenario can always request that no photos be taken during their scenario or ask the photographer to leave the scenario.